Important Facts About Dried Food Recipe
Food drying is a process where the food recipe id dried to remove its normal moisture. The process is necessary for preservation of various food recipes. The normal food recipes can't thrive for long once harvested unless properly preserved. The drying of the recipes also known as dehydration is a unique process. Water or moisture is naturally removed through being sun-dried or air-dried. There is also a process of food drying using electricity though a dehydrator. The food recipes once dried can last for a long time.
Natural drying:
a) The process involved drying the food recipes using natural drying methods, usually the food recipes to be dried can be boiled mildly, they recipes needs preparation first which involves chopping in small slices. This method involves just spreading the said recipes on the sun for some few hours without spoiling the ingredients. Mild sun's heat will dry the recipes well by sucking all the moisture, when the moisture is all dried, the process is completed. The result is that its size changes to small and hard.
b) Dried food recipe can also be achieved by preparing the recipes through chopping, the ready recipes is then dried under a shaded place. The recipe can be spread evenly in a large pan or mat; the drying will be processed by air without too much direct heat. The same process is also achieved using this method of drying.
Dyhydrator drying:
The drying process can also be hastened using the Electric Dyhydrator, the usage of electricity makes the process to be very fast and efficient too. The food recipe to be dried is placed inside the dyhydrator's racks; the sliced food recipe is packed inside the drying racks. The racks are usually circular to ease rotation, when the appliance is switched on the rotation begun against the air currents. The continuous rotation allows air to circulate very fast over the recipe which is eventually dried. The drying time will depend on the recipe itself, recipes with more moisture takes longer time and the other way round.
Does it affect nutritional level?
The nutritional level is minimally affected when food is dried, but it also depends on how it's dried. When food is dried under ideal conditions at home the nutritional level is not impaired, the value can be eroded to the minimal level. The dried food recipe at home takes place under a very little temperature and extreme care, this makes the ingredients in the recipes to be wholly preserved and protected. The commercial drying method often is done for a larger quantity of food, the method is very fast and electric appliances are used. The dried food recipe eventually loses some ingredients; the process affects the value of the nutritional aspect of the recipes to a small extent.
The time of drying:
Drying process takes different times depending on the recipe itself, but a number of factors will decide the duration it takes to dry any recipe. Big slices of the recipes often take a longer time to dry as compared to thin slices, recipes high in water contents like carrots, vegetables stalks and fruits take longer to dry. Thinly chopped potatoes and vegetables usually take a shorter duration to dry. The type of Dyhydrator used also matters; a high-powered appliance takes a shorter time. Other factors includes; temperature inside the appliance, humidity and air circulation.
How long can food be fresh?
Dried food recipe will often take a very long time when still good, the time can be as long as from the one season to another. This can literary take some months even several months before the recipes go bad. Depending on the type of food dried, some stay good for a very long time than others. Dried vegetables and herbs can take a long time before going bad, food stuff like meat, chicken should be kept in refrigerator after a month or be frozen altogether.
Drying food is a unique method of preserving food; this method can make such food recipe stay for a longer time before going bad. Dried food comes in handy during times of emergency or famine times. Countries which are experiencing hot weather not ideal for growing food, the dried food can be imported in such places to alleviate hunger. When the dried food is stored properly, it can last for a long time. To know more, please continue to read on our website.